Psychometric Test for Recruitment
Quality recruitment of excellent candidates is every recruiters’ dream. Wrong or low quality recruitment can cost waste of huge money, time and energy in the process and it has substantial consequences in terms of poor job performance by the wrongly selected candidates.
According to a research study:
(1) The average cost of a bad hire ranges from $17,000 to $240,000.
(2) 43% of respondents said that they have made a bad hire because they needed to hire someone quickly.
(3) 22% of hiring managers say that they lacked the skills to interview and hire people effectively.
(4) Organizations that lack a standardized interviewing process are 5x more likely to make a bad hire than those that do have such a process.
(5) Hiring the right fit leads to reduced turnover and increased business profitability.
We precisely help you in saving the above costs of bad hire by enabling high quality recruitments through use of proprietary psychometric tests as well as by providing professional assessment interviewing. Psychometric tests and competencies based interviewing by a professional Behaviour Scientist is one of the best ways to recruit high quality talent. It is very easy to do smart talk and mislead interviewers by just having good communications skill by the candidates.
Besides, Psychometric tests can be used for easily screening out candidates thereby reduce a huge workload of the interviewer by eliminating unsuitable candidates quickly. Psychometric tests help to extract hard-to-get information that interviewees would not normally reveal during a face-to-face interview. Psychometric tests help to give a better overall evaluation of a candidate and thereby select the best fit for the role.
We at UTSAV Management Consultants have highly experienced behavioural scientists who are experts in the areas of psychometric testing instruments as well as professional competencies based interviewing. We provide customized psychometric instruments for the employers as per their requirements.
Psychometric Test for Promotion

Promoting employees to a higher position has many benefits for an organization like reducing recruitment costs, increasing employee morale, helps in employee retention etc. While promoting employees, an organization needs to be very careful in its decision making esp. regarding which employee to be promoted to which position. An organization must ensure that the right employees have been promoted to the right positions. For that, apart from evaluating an employee’s performance in the current job, organization should look for his ability to perform in his future role. Psychometric test is one of the best tools in getting reliable information about a person’s ability to perform in his future role with or without comparison to other candidates. Nowadays, many organizations consider psychometric test as one of their main promotion criteria as it provides reliable information regarding an employee’s ability.
We at UTSAV Management Consultants conduct psychometric tests for organizations in selecting the right candidates for promotion. We design psychometric tests as per requirement of organizations, conduct it for organizations and give valid individual and comparative analysis reports.
Psychometric Test for Training & Development

Psychometric tests are used by many organizations for training & development of their current employees. Psychometric tests provide data/information related to strength and weakness of the employees and the areas to be trained or developed to improve their performance. Thus it helps to identify training needs of the employees. Psychometric tests also give employees an opportunity to know their basic orientations, ways of working, behaviour (both functional and dysfunctional), stresses experienced, ways of coping with stress etc. The data/information collected from the psychometric tests is also useful to the management with respect to career progression for existing employees.
Psychometric tests are useful in generating data for training. They have the potential to make training more effective, by basing training on data generated by the participants themselves, which helps to make them more involved. These tests also reduce psychological threat, as the pooled data does not attribute opinions to specific individuals. Data related to individuals is also less threatening as these are generated by the individuals themselves, and they only examine, analyse, and interpret the data for their own use. If the tests contain behaviour-related items, action planning to improve behaviour becomes easier. These testing instruments can help not only in planning action, but also in assessing if the action led to any desirable change; the same instrument (or its parallel form) can be used later for collecting the data again.
We at UTSAV Management Consultants provide services in conducting psychometric test for training & development. We design psychometric instruments for employers to identify training needs of their current employees. We also conduct psychometric test for the current employees to identify their strengths, weakness and training needs and give detailed reports. These reports / information can be used for career planning also. We also train the respective person in the organization to conduct and evaluate psychometric tests.
Psychometric Test for Self-Development or Personality Development

Self- Awareness has a vital role in the development of a person's personality. Psychometric tests provide enough data /information about the strength, weakness, behavioural traits etc. of a person. Thus a person can understands more about him/her through psychometric tests and can take appropriate action to improve his/her personality.
We at UTSAV Management Consultants help individuals to understand more about themselves by using psychometric testing instruments in various dimensions of personality and behaviour. We give detailed report of the individual's personality and also give suggestions to improve the personality.
Psycho profiling & Assessment for Executives at all Levels

People are assets. Worth of them in an organizational context depends upon the suitability of their personality, traits and competencies with respect to their role in the organization. If they are aligned, performance will be better, else proper actions like training and development, transfer, counseling, mentoring etc need to be taken.
During our practice with variety of interventions in the organizations, we discovered that Senior Management has strong need to know the behavioural strengths and challenges of employees at all levels. This will enable them to leverage the strengths and mitigate the risks of their weaknesses coming in the way of business results.
We are offering precisely this and also how they fit in with the work culture of the organization.Objective is to clearly delineate the various behavioural patterns and characteristics of an employee and how they can get better fit in variety of teams or leaders within the organization. In a way it will also identify their behavioural training needs.
We do this through our customized instruments, assessment centers and interviews. A complete, realistic and customized psycho-profile of the employee is built through these processes.
Competency Mapping and Psychometric Tests for Investment Professionals and Traders

Competency Mapping attempts to measure the competency level of an individual. For each profession, there are varieties of important competencies.
For Long Term Investors following competencies are identified:
1. Visioning: The competency to understand how the future of an investee company is going to pan out in next 5/10/15/20 years keeping in mind the industry scenario, management skills and competitive advantages enjoyed by the company
2. Calculated Risk Taking: This competency is required to make an investment knowing that understanding of future is always uncertain and variety of scenarios can pan out which may or may not favor an investor;
3. Wisdom to Sit Through Volatility: This competency is essential to be able to reap full benefit of investment and not book early profits and miss out on full potential of the investment
For Short Term Time Horizon Traders, following competencies are desirable:
1. To Respond Quickly and Act Decisively
2. Probability Assessment
3. Mathematical/ Numerical Ability
4. Emotional Strength to suffer Losses and bounce back by utilizing the setback for learning
5. High IQ
6. High ability to Learn
7. Self-Starter and low dependence on others
8. Work Ethic
We at UTSAV Managemnt Consultants assess your competency levels in the above functions of Investment and Trading. We use competency based interviews and psychometric tests to help you discover your strengths and areas for improvement in these competencies.
It's a good investment in your career with very high ROI.